- spray strip
- брызгоотражатель
English-Russian marine dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian marine dictionary . 2014.
spray strip — noun : a strip that projects from the forepart of a seaplane hull and deflects the spray thrown up when the hull is moving through the water … Useful english dictionary
Spray forming — Spray forming, also known as spray casting, spray deposition[1] and in situ compaction,[2] is a method of casting near net shape metal components with homogeneous microstructures via the deposition of semi solid sprayed droplets onto a shaped… … Wikipedia
Strip-till — is a conservation system that utilizes a minimum tillage. It combines the soil drying and warming benefits of conventional tillage with the soil protecting advantages of no till by disturbing only the portion of the soil that is to contain the… … Wikipedia
Buffer strip — Contour buffer strips used to retain soil and reduce erosion. See also: Riparian zone restoration A buffer strip is an area of land maintained in permanent vegetation that helps to control air, soil, and water quality, along with other… … Wikipedia
Feather spray — Feather Feath er (f[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. fether, AS. fe[eth]er; akin to D. veder, OHG. fedara, G. feder, Icel. fj[ o][eth]r, Sw. fj[ a]der, Dan. fj[ae]der, Gr. ptero n wing, feather, pe tesqai to fly, Skr. pattra wing, feather, pat to fly, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Insecticidal soap — is defined as any of the potassium fatty acid soaps used to control many plant pests. Insecticidal soap is typically sprayed on plants in the same manner as other insecticides. Insecticidal soap works only on direct contact with the pests. The… … Wikipedia
aeroplane — Synonyms and related words: adjustable propeller, afterburner, aileron, air controls, air scoop, aircraft, airlift, airplane, airscrew, astrodome, avion, balloon, bay, be airborne, beaching gear, blister, body, bomb bay, bonnet, bow, brace wire,… … Moby Thesaurus
airplane — Synonyms and related words: Cub, VTOL, adjustable propeller, aeroplane, afterburner, aileron, air ambulance, air controls, air scoop, air scout, aircraft, airfreighter, airlift, airliner, airscrew, all weather fighter, ambulance, amphibian… … Moby Thesaurus
parts — Synonyms and related words: AF amplifier, AFC, AFC mixer, CRT, CW oscillator, FM detector, PCV valve, RF amplifier, TR switch, TR unit, ability, accelerator, adder, adjustable propeller, afterburner, aileron, air controls, air scoop, airscrew,… … Moby Thesaurus
Continuous casting — The macrostructure of continuously cast copper (99.95% pure), etched, ∅ ≈ 83 mm. Continuous casting, also called strand casting, is the process whereby molten metal is solidified into a semifinished billet, bloom, or slab for subsequent rolling… … Wikipedia
Manic Street Preachers discography — Manic Street Preachers discography Releases ↙Studio albums 10 ↙Compilation albums 3 … Wikipedia